Nurture Nature

The river doesn't drink its water.
Neither does the sun use its own light.
The land doesn't decide its owner,
Then why so much hatred, why do we all fight?

Look at this nature, our gorgeous Mother,
She was either green or blue.
Now trees are chopped and seas are seized,
Of what's happening to her, she has no clue!

A mother feels intense joy,
To see her children laugh and chirp.
Ever pondered over Mother Earth's emotion,
When her children's lives and homes are usurped?

When Mother looks after us selflessly,
Why can't we be thankful in return?
Heaps of chemicals and clouds of smoke,
Do we even realize as to what have we done?

This pandemic happened for a reason,
And certainly a lesson for all to learn.
Look after the Mother who is so beautiful,
Nothing more than this does She yearn!
