Homage to Her

A daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother,
So many roles she plays,
Zero deferment from her responsibilities,
Yet scanty and rare words of praise.

'I am the man and I should be respected',
Is what we generally hear.
Is respect lawfully earned,
Or is it given out of fear?

He returning at midnight from a spree,
Gets away easily with an acquittal.
But she gets late even from a soiree,
Then why is she called non-committal?

She is humiliated and defamed,
Abuses from all are hurled.
How can these people forget,
It's a lady who brought them in this world?

He has a pal of the opposite gender,
It's mandated for the wife to accept.
However, she has a friend who is a guy,
Their relationship is judged 'unkept'.

A lady deserves love and respect,
For she has always been a giver.
Stop questioning and judging her,
Remember her heart breaks in slivers.

Our civilization is eccentric and bizzare,
Where educated doesn't mean urbane,
Bring that change by being the impetus,
It ain't too difficult to be humane!


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